Skål Palm Beach Ft Lauderdale
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Cecilia Hudnet, President
Chesterfield Hotel

Carlos Banks, Vice President
Pleasant Holidays 

Melissa Nessenson, Secretary
Windstar Cruises

Terese Turnello, Treasurer
Hibiscus Travel

Lynda Reich, SIUSA Rep.

Board Members:

Ian Black
Brazilian Court Hotel

Becky Reincke

Bill Lackey

Skal logo

Professionals in Tourism

President’s Letter
June 28, 2020

"The problems we face didn't happen overnight and they won't be solved tomorrow, but if we all work together, we can foster greater understanding, positive change and create a more peaceful world for ourselves, our children, our families and our communities."
- - Michael Jordan (2016)

Skal members

Greetings Fellow Skålleagues!

As the 2019 summer approaches, my thanks go to those of you who have continued to make a difference during a very different kind of year. While our activities may have been challenged, our mission continues to be as strong as ever.

The Pandemic has caused us to rethink of how we interact with our members. We have pivoted towards online meetings as opposed to in person meetings. We kicked off the year with our focus on 2 areas Membership & Communications.

MEMBERSHIP - We are all going through very difficult times, both personally and businesswise, and through this difficult circumstance we are experiencing with COVID-19 and the financial consequences all travel professionals will have to face, we are lucky to be Skål International members. Our club started with 18 active members, we have now 24 members. Hope to continue growing our club membership. I would like to remind you all about our excellent benefits of our membership.


Skal members
  • Through contributions from Clubs around the world, the Florimond Volckaert Fund assists any Skål member in times of financial need or crisis.
  • The Skål International Membership Card entitles members to discounts at some participating outlets, provided by Skål Members. Skål USA Members discounts available now
  • The network of Skål Members worldwide is now accessible via the Skål website in Information on members around the world is at your fingertips.
  • Skål Members are welcome at all meetings around the world. Wherever you travel, you can access a network of Skål friends and colleagues.
  • Skål News, a magazine published quarterly, is a medium for information about the organization and an avenue for advertising exposure to 16,000 industry professionals.

Membership was and still is OUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY.


Communication: The use of technology has also enabled us to increase and streamline communication. The monthly newsletter has helped, and we have access to know what is happening within our club. With the launch of virtual meetings and events, the conference calls with members and guests have been a great tool for keeping everyone engaged.

Skal Members Zoom Meeting

On our June Virtual Zoom meeting we invited Holly Powers - Skål International Councillor - Skål International USA; she was able to join us and share information about what Skål International is doing to maintain the communication with all its members.

One May 19th there was a webinar with Anthony Melchiorri. Anthony is the founder of the Travel Channel program "Hotel Impossible".

Skål International USA, in association with Anthony Melchiorri, Skål New York and Skœl Long Island introduce a new program to assist hospitality workers who have lost their job. USA #HospitalityStrong is an online fundraiser campaign which seeks to promote a thriving hospitality industry with the goal of supporting the affected hospitality workforce through this unprecedented crisis.

On June 11th, Zane Kerby the President & CEO of American Society Travel Advisors had a webinar about Future of Travel Advisors in the United States and internationally. ASTA (American Society of Travel Advisors) is the world's largest association of travel professionals. Their members include travel advisors and the companies whose products they sell such as tours, cruises, hotels, car rentals, etc. They are the leading advocate for travel advisors, the travel industry and the traveling public.

Holly shared with us how Skål International USA Executive are hosting Educational webinars series for several months. I have myself register to several of them, they are informative and helpful and allowed me to understand what the club is doing for all the members.

Skål USA has launched a new membership benefit. An online job board designed for Skål USA membership. Just go and visit Skå to learn when this new benefit will go live. See what jobs are available.

SKÅL INTERNATIONAL 2020 MEMBERSHIP CARDS: Due to COVID-19 crisis, it has been decided and agreed by the Executive Board that the Membership Cards will not be printed this year. One of the reasons is that many clubs do not want to receive plastic cards for sustainability reasons. This will also save costs and they are looking for a new solution for the future.

SKÅL INTERNATIONAL FORT LAUDERDALE & PALM BEACHES was nominated to enter the "Skål Club of the Year" competition. We are invited to produce a video presentation on the Club performance from January 1, 2019 to date. The idea is that we convince the Skål Clubs worldwide why we deserve to win the Skål Club of the Year Award. Our video cannot exceed two minutes and will be uploaded on YouTube. As you all are aware, WE ACCEPTED THE NOMINATION TO PARTICIPATE.

This is our 4th nomination for Skal International Club of the year in the last 12 years.

  2008: First nomination for Skål International Club of the Year
  2010: Second nomination for Skål International Club of the Year, won 2nd place
  2015: Winner of Skål USA Club of the year
  Third nomination for Skål International Club of the Year, won 3rd place
  2020: Fourth nomination for Skål International Club of the Year

Congratulations to all the members for such an excellent performance!

Special thanks to our Slate of Officers & Board Directors for maintaining the integrity and visión of our club during these challenging times. I deeply appreciate your Skål friendship.

Remember to log onto our club's website or like us on Facebook, connect to us on LinkedIn, or follow us on Instagram.

Yours in Friendship and Skål!

Cecilia Hudnet
Skål International Ft. Lauderdale and the Palm Beaches |
Cell # 561-371-1975