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Pictures from the November Skål Meeting

Bill Pullen

Bernard and Nancy Kainer
Ambassador Cruises

Ken Hedgecock, Roy Hudgens,
Jesse Corsi and Kent Walker

Carlos Banks

Carlos Banks and
Lana Gordon (Detroit Skål)

Scotty and Len Stone

Denis Herron and Armand Arel

Gail Freedman and Michael (Guest)

Gary Cole, Irian Morosanu,
Phil Devillier

Carlos Banks and Bill Pullen

Mike Gulotty and Jim Ponce

Larry Magor, Ron Stevens,
David Semadeni

Scotty, Gail and Charlie Bieser

Stefan Richter and Dick Stafford

Scottie and Mac carving the turkeys

David Semadeni and Scottie
carving the turkeys

Pilgrim Jesse Corsi and
Indian Ron Stevens

Pilgrim Jesse Corsi

Indian Ron Stevens

Cindy Christen handing out
Thanksgiving turkeys to all who attended