Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Buda de Pepo, Fort Lauderdale

The June 20, 2006 meeting of the Palm Beach SKAL Board of Directors was called to order at 5:25PM.

PRESENT: Richard Stafford, Stefan Richter, Lee Smolinski, Carlos Banks, Sandy Saposnik, Paul Alterman.

ABSENT DUE TO TRAVEL: Wayne M. Lampert, Paul Cook

Secretaries Report: The minutes of the May 2006 meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved after several corrections and additions were made on a motion be Sandy Saposnick and seconded by Lee Smolinski.

Treasurers Report:Lee Smolinski presented the treasurers report. Cash on hand as of June 20, 2006 was $9,000.99. The June 10th Golf Tournament & Auction raised $1,463.00 this year. A few entries have not been made from the golf tournament which will slightly increase the cash on hand. The treasurer's report was approved unanimously on a motion by Sandy Saposnick and seconded by Carlos Banks.

SIUSA Representatives Report: No report this month.

Committee Reports:

Future Location and Programs: Upcoming venues are:
September, 2006 - we will be at Pete's Restaurant in Boca Raton
October 17, 2006 - we will be in Ft. Lauderdale
November 14, 2006 - we will be in West Palm Beach
December 12, 2006 we will be in Boca Raton

Sandy Saposnick will work on putting together a SKAL Cruise for club members.

Membership: : We have several prospective new members that will be at the dinner tonight. We will be inducting Gail Freedman and Bob Friedman as new members tonight. We have 3 new member applications in process for approval by Spain - Angelina DiVita, Teresa Nix and Emilio Freeman.

Auctions and Raffles Report: No report

New Business: Tonight's meeting is a joint meeting with ASME (Airline Sales & Marketing Executives) which has been arranged by Stefan Richter. They have 15 members coming which brings our dinner count to almost 40 people. We will have everyone introduce themselves tonight and Bill Pullen will give a brief history of SKAL to familiarize the ASME members how have expressed an interest in joining SKAL with our club. Jawayne Keyser - the President of the ASME Club will be asked to make a brief presentation to everyone.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15PM.