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President’s Letter – June, 2006

By Dick Stafford

Greetings Fellow Skålleagues!

The first half of 2006 ended on a high note when we held a joint dinner meeting on June 20th with ASME (Airline Sales & Marketing Executives) at the Buca di Beppo Restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale. With 15 of their members in attendance we had 40 people for our last dinner meeting before the summer break. After a very noisy cocktail hour we enjoyed a feast with a variety of Italian dishes served family style. Needless to say - no one went home hungry.

Because we had so many new people in attendance we went around the room and had everyone introduce themselves and tell the group the company they represented. Bill Pullen gave a brief presentation on SKAL to familiarize the ASME members with the history and benefits of belonging to SKAL International. Jawayne Keyser, the ASME Club President thanked everyone for having their members join us at the dinner and invited our SKAL members to attend their December luncheon.

We reported on the success of our June 10th first annual SKAL International Ft. Lauderdale & Palm Beaches Golf Tournament. Thanks to all of the hard work by Paul Cook, we had 20 participants for the tournament and luncheon. Thanks to Nancy and Bernhard Kainer for assisting with the registration. Tim Digby and his team were the winners of our new trophy and will be able to proudly display it until next year. Thanks also to Tim Digby, Mac McLaughlin, Gail Freedman, Heidi Bruni, Lorrie Hero and Tammy Ambruso for obtaining some great auction items. The event generated over $1,400 for the club's treasury as a result of the golf tournament and auction.

We had the pleasure of inducting Gail Freedman and Bob Friedman as new members during the evening. Teresa Nix was also recognized as a new member of the club and will be inducted at our next meeting in the fall. We have 2 more new members whose applications were just approved by Spain.

Don't forget about this years summer Region IV Congress that will be held August 25 - 27 in Sarasota. Our club originated the event and is always well represented. I am sure that this year will be no different.

Our locations for upcoming meetings after our summer break are:

September 19, 2006 - we will be at the Pete's Restaurant in Boca Raton.

October 17, 2006 - we will be in Ft. Lauderdale

Don't forget to check the clubs website for additional club news, the upcoming Call to Meeting and some fun pictures from the June Dinner.

Have a great summer. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the September meeting at Pete's Restaurant in Boca Raton.


Dick Stafford