President’s Letter – May, 2007By Peter Berlin - Vice President Greetings Fellow Skålleagues! Our June meeting was held at Rocky's Italian Bistro in Delray Beach. It was a casual and fun dinner served family style. Italian cuisine was heaped upon our membership and no one left hungry. Thanks to Stefan Richter for helping us select this month's venue. With over 20 members and guests in attendance, we had three prospective members in attendance and expect that each and everyone will join. Kudos to Lee Smolinski for his membership efforts on behalf of our club, and as Lee said at the meeting, "just get one new member, per current member, and we will have one of the largest Skal club's going!" Plan to invite a qualified applicant to join us for our September come back at Pete's in Boca. Also, be reminded of the Young Skalleagues program. For additional information, contact any of your officers or Board members. Tim Digby and his foursome were the winners for the second year in a row of our Golf Tournament which was held June 9th at the Winston Trails Golf & Country Club. Thanks again to Tim for obtaining the great auction items for the luncheon. We are sure our President Wayne Lampert is having a great time in Spain, and it was my pleasure, with everyone's help, to fill in for him at this June meeting. SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER! Check out our club's website at for additional club news and the upcoming Call to Meeting. Have a great June meeting and wonderful summer. SKAL!
Peter Berlin |