President’s Letter November, 2013
Greetings Fellow Skalleagues!
Our November meeting was held at the Embassy Suites, West Palm Beach where we had a delicious “early” Thanksgiving Dinner.
Our new member (pinned in October), Trevor Curtis of “Welcome to the Palm Beaches” (formerly the WPB Convention & Visitors Bureau)
served as “Chef Extraordinaire”, slicing & serving the turkey. Thanks Trevor, you were fabulous!!
Self-introductions followed the opening toast by Carlos Banks. A couple of interesting new items of interest from our members:
James Hansen announced that Noble Investments is building a NEW hotel in Boca Raton. The NEW hotel will be open for “season” 2015.
Trevor & Steve Crist informed everyone in attendance of the “NEW” name for the CVB “Welcome to the Palm Beaches”. Teresa Nix announced
arrival of the NEW Royal Princess & NEW 4&5-day Ruby Princess sailings from Ft. Lauderdale this winter/spring.
Our Annual Holiday Dinner-Dance & Auction is scheduled for
Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at Benvenuto’s in Boynton Beach starting
with cocktails are at 7PM. ATTIRE: Men-Business Attire and Ladies-Cocktail Attire. This is a great evening to invite a potential Skål
member and bring your spouse or a guest! EARLY RSVP’s are requested as space is VERY limited!
REQUEST FOR AUCTION ITEMS!! … James Hansen & Jawayne Keyser are busy finalizing items for our Holiday Dinner-Dance and Auction.
Should you wish to make a donation for the Auction, please send to Jawayne Keyser 2104 Cypress Bend Dr. #100 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 or
Phone: (954) 975-3840. Thank you in advance for your donation! We kindly ask that you please finalize your donation commitment by 12/2/2013.
We want to welcome the other NEW Skål Members to our Skål Club: Mike Castro, Sheila Schwartz, Lupe Castillo, Jerry Eastep, Steven
Eastep, Diana Schloss and Melissa Araya. Thank you for choosing Skål Ft. Lauderdale & Palm Beaches for your new Skål home! We look
forward to seeing you soon!
The closing toast was led by Dick Stafford.
Your Board of Directors continues to be focused on increasing our membership and we ask that you contact industry friends and invite
them to our meetings. We are also making every effort to plan to have interesting topics of discussion at future meetings. Should you
have a topic / guest that you would like to include in our consideration, please do share that info with Dick Stafford, rwstaff@bellsouth.net
or Becky Reincke, becky.reincke@otodevelopment.com. Don’t forget to let your Board of Director’s know if you have suggestions for meeting
locations / meeting enhancements / other fun & interesting ideas! We really would like your in-put!
See you on December 11th at Benvenuto’s (Boynton Beach) for our Holiday Dinner-Dance & don’t forget to bring a guest / potential new member!!
Cheers and Skål!
Theresa Nix, President
SKAL Ft. Lauderdale & Palm Beaches
Contact any one of your Board members to share your ideas and suggestions for the Club. Don’t forget to check our
website www.skal-ftlauderdale-palmbeaches.org to get more information on our club, pictures and the upcoming Skål
Monthly Reception & Meeting.
Have you logged on to our website recently? Should your answer be no, we do encourage you to do so soon! www.skal-ftlauderdale-palmbeaches.org.
Members who wish to have a link put on the website to their business can do so by sending a ‘live link’ to rwstaff@bellsouth.net. .
Members who have had a change in email address are requested to contact Paul Cook at travelizme@aol.com to inform him of those changes.
Other changes (address, phone, etc.) should be made on the SKAL website, www.skal.org with a copy to Paul Cook.