Minutes of Meeting
TUESDAY FEB 15, 2005
Benvenuto's Restaurant

Meeting was called to order at 5:05PM by President, Cindy Christen.

In attendance: Cindy Christen, Dick Stafford, Paul Cook, Lee Smolinski, Carlos Banks, Bill Pullen, Sandy Saposnick, Mike Gulotty, Paul Alterman, Stefan Richter & Lana Gordon from Detroit SKAL.

Reading of minutes of January were waived and motion to accept by Dick Stafford and seconded by Sandy Saposnick.

TREASURERS REPORT Proposed $1,500 budget for "extras" at meetings ie; turkeys etc. to also include any entertainment at future meetings. Motion to approve made by Dick Stafford and seconded by Sandy Saposnick. Unanimous approval by the board. Treasurers report was accepted by a motion, Lee Smolinski and seconded by Dick Stafford.

FUTURE VENUES March Meeting to be held at the Boca Raton Marriott hosted by new member, Larry Magor. Tentative Installation Dinner arrangements at the Waterford Hotel in Palm Beach Gardens. Details to follow. An invitation to lunch on March 31st was extended by Sandy Saposnick on board the MS LIRICA in Fort Lauderdale. This venue will be for SKAL Members and for PROSPECTIVE SKAL MEMBERS. Members will have to respond no later than two weeks out and provide us with information for security. Details will go out in an email to the membership.

MEMBERSHIP Carlos Banks Membership Chairman has created a proposal form which can be utilized to complete new members applications. He was given a list of proposed potential members by Ron Stevens. Suggested that we host a booth at the Peninsula Travel Shows both in Broward and Palm Beach in March. SKAL member Joe DeBeradino of the Orlando club has offered us the space free to solicit new members.

WEBSITE It is suggested that we develop a profile form which we can use on the website and thus extract information to feature a SKAL member on a monthly basis.

FLORIMOND VOLCKAERT FUND was explained to the board by Bill Pullen so there is a clear understanding of what the fund is used for. A motion to use tonights 50/50 proceeds as a donation was made by Lee Smolinski, Seconded by Paul Cook.

SIUSA REPORT of the recent meeting in San Francisco as per Carlos Bank's written report to the board. As we were turned down by SIUSA to amend or change our name to include Fort Lauderdale it is whether the ruling was in fact valid and the SIUSA board having a private meeting prior to the formal meeting to discuss this issue. Lee Smolinski stated that SIUSA has acted improperly in this ruling and is pursuing this issue with Jim Power with a copy to Tom White. It is also obvious based on reports that there is an aura of anti-americanism which has tainted the enthusiasm for participation in SKAL and should be addressed and clarified.

Cindy Christen adjourned the meeting at 6:00PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Cook
Secretary, SKAL International, Palm Beaches