Minutes of Meeting
TUESDAY March 15, 2005
Marriott Boca Raton

Meeting called to order at 5:00PM.

In attendance: Cindy Christen, Paul Alterman, Dick Stafford, Paul Cook, Lee Smolinski, Carlos Banks, Sandy Saposnick, Mike Gulotty, Stefan Richter.
Absent: Ron Stevens

Reading of the minutes of February waived by a motion by Lee Smolinski and seconded by Sandy Saposnick.

Annual auditor appointed for 2005 audit, Mike Gulotty.
Dues update: Outstanding: David Semadeni
Deleted from the roster due to dues not being paid (members in arrears).
Gary Cole, Phil Devillier, Dawn De Arrastia, Gail Freedman and Denis Herron

Reminder to all members that Aprils meeting is a "members pay" meeting, $50 for members & guests to be held at the Waterford Hotel.

Treasurers report motion to accept by Lee Smolinski, Seconded by Sandy Saposnick.

April - Installation Dinner at the Waterford Hotel
May & June pending

Special Program: Luncheon on March 31st aboard the LIRICA in Port Everglades at pier 4, 11:30am. Sandy requires RSVP's by Friday, March 18. RSVP's to include, Name, Date of Birth and Picture ID on arrival at their pier.

SKAL International Palm Beaches Annual Golf tournament. Scotty Cassidy will chair with assistance from Paul Cook and Marcel Hurni has offered the venue at his club, Boca Raton Golf & CC.

Update on Club Name Change to: SKAL International Palm Beaches and North Broward. SIUSA is ok with this name change as well as our club supporting a new club FORT LAUDERDALE. Stipulations made in the by-laws that the new club be assessed $350 for any Palm Beach Skal members that transfer. Assessments to be donated to the BMW Funds. These two items to be voted on at tonight's meeting.

Carlos Banks has indicated that he has apologized to the SFO club for the misunderstanding involved at last month's meeting. He states it was a lack of communication or communications failure made prior to the meeting. He also stated that the SFO Club did a wonderful job in hosting the meeting.
Hopefully, Case Closed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Cook
Secretary, SKAL International, Palm Beaches