Minutes of Board Meeting
Renaissance Hotel - Ft. Lauderdale
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Meeting called to order by President Dick Stafford at 5:00 PM
Attending: Dick Stafford, Paul Cook, Paul Alterman, Lee Smolinski, Cindy Christen, Sandy Saposnick,
Stefan Richter, Carlos Banks
Absent: Wayne Lampert
Reading of previous month's minutes waived and accepted.
Treasurers Report: As of February 28, 2006 Cash on Hand in the bank $8,386.82. The treasurers documents, checks etc. were officially turned over to the incoming treasurer, Lee Smolinski.
A motion was made to accept credit cards, the motion was carried and accepted.
It was indicated that due to the club's recent rapid expansion, Lee would look into the insurance liability issue covering board members. He will advise back at the next board meeting.
Siusa Report: It was announced the incoming SIUSA President, Mok Singh will attend the Installation Dinner on April 18. SIUSA has expressed their satisfaction with this significant jump in membership and the club is now in the top 25 in SIUSA.
Committee Reports:
Future Venues: April's Installation Dinner will be at the Boca Raton Marriott
May, Hilton Palm Beach Airport
June, To Be Advised
Membership: We are now at 43 with some pending applications. A motion was made and passed to
credit any member $50. for sponsoring a new member.
Golf Tournament: Arrangements have been made for a tournament to be held on June 10, 2006 at the
WINSTON TRAILS GOLF & CC in Lake Worth, a Scramble Format with a tee off at
8:00am followed by a barbecue luncheon and awards ceremony. The cost will remain
at $75.00 as in previous outings.
Welfare: Approval for donation of $100 to VOLKER FUND was passed and approved.
Other Business: Sandy Saposnick has agreed to serve another term as a board member in place of
Larry Magor who is leaving for Bermuda.
Paul Cook