Minutes of Board Meeting
held at the Marriott Harbour Beach Resort Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The following officers were present: Dick Stafford, Wayne Lampert, Paul Cook, Paul Alterman.

Absent were: Carlos Banks, Lee Smolinski, Sandy Saposnick

The meeting convened at 5:07pm.

Secretary's report: Waived reading and accepted.

Treasurers report: Made by Dick Stafford in Carlos Banks absence. It was decided that to streamline the handling of membership funds and auctions we would utilize the corporate account through COSTCO to obtain credit card processing for the club. Paul Alterman will process the paperwork to obtain the credit card with Carlos Banks on his return. Report was accepted.

SIUSA Report. No report due to Lee's absence.

Future Locations & Programs:

November 14, 2006
Columbia Restaurant, City Place, West Palm Beach

December 12. 2006
Holiday Party to be held either at Boca Raton Marriott or Bridge Hotel in Boca Raton.

January 16, 2007
Will be at either Chima's Restaurant or Chef's Pallette Restaurant in Fort Lauderdale with Cocktail Reception for new 2006 members and sponsors prior to the regular Cocktail hour. Membership. The club is now at 47 members.

Auctions & Raffles: Tim Digby has assumed responsibility for obtaining Auction items for the Holiday Party. All members are asked to participate with donations.

Welfare: A motion was passed to donate $100 to Richards Run for Life fund for the Pediatric Sarcoma Cancer Research at the Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute.

The meeting was adjourned at: 6:20pm